Virginia Roberts' Team Wants To Depose Prince Andrew's Former Royal Assistant

It looks like Virginia Roberts' team is gathering people to interview for Prince Andrew's upcoming trial.
According to Fox News, they want to depose Robert Ashton Olney, the prince's former royal assistant.
The attorneys said that his name and number appear in Jeffrey Epstein's phone book under "Duke of York," and they believe the ex-aide would know of when Andrew traveled in the early 2000s.
During that time frame, Roberts alleged that Andrew raped her when she was 17 years old.
Another person Roberts' team hopes to question is Shukri Walker, who allegedly saw Andrew at Tramp nightclub in London back in the day.
“She is willing to do the deposition Virginia Giuffre’s team is seeking," attorney Lisa Bloom stated. “I am proud to represent Shukri Walker, who has bravely stepped forward as a witness and encourages others who may have information to do so as well.”
“Andrew looked like he was having a great time," Walker recalled. “He was with this young girl who was close to my own age, perhaps even a bit younger than me … I will never forget the night because I was told this is a real prince."
"Ms. Walker has already given her evidence to the FBI and been very consistent in what she has said. She had never been in the presence of a royal before or since and so it was very memorable to her. If she is called as a witness she will do her duty," Bloom added at the time.
Last week, in documents filed by Andrew — who has denied any wrongdoing — and his lawyers, they demanded a trial by jury, which is a risky move, according to an insider.
“It’s the ultimate gamble," the source said. “He is putting himself at the mercy of a jury and attempting to distance himself from people like Ghislaine Maxwell, when he is on record discussing their friendship and has known her for decades."
The insider added, “This is certainly a huge shift in mood from previous suggestions that everything was ‘in hand’ and questions will certainly be asked about the wisdom of a bullish counter-attack defense so late in the day.”