Thomas Markle Slams Idea Of Meghan Markle Becoming U.S. President: 'I Think That's A Joke From Beginning To End'

Ever since Meghan Markle moved back to the United States, there have been rumors swirling that she will one day run for U.S. President — but Thomas Markle said he doesn't believe that for a second.
GB News star Dan Wootton said people who know the 40-year-old believe she "harbors an ambition" to go to the White House.
“I think that’s a joke from beginning to end, I think that’s a complete joke, I don’t think she has any ambition to become a mayor or a governor or President, I don’t think that is in her mind at all," Thomas replied in a new interview.
Tom Bower — who is writing a biography about Meghan — suggested the TV star has the resources to go into politics.
"And what about the next 40 years? Once Harry has finished promoting his books, will Meghan launch her own global campaign to engage in the swirling muck of American politics?" he wrote in The Sun. "Just as she seduced the royal family, will she tempt California’s power brokers to promote her own political ambitions to the Senate and possibly beyond, via her friendship with America’s Vice President Kamala Harris and the Obamas? Although her political rhetoric is skeletal and her skin is thin to criticism, surely that is the next step on her Crusade for Goodness."
"With the support of Democrat godfathers the Clintons and the Obamas, Meghan should have little difficulty getting nominated as one of the state’s 40 Congressmen sent to Washington," Bower continued. "If Californians flock to her Crusade for Goodness, then after two terms — just four years — she can establish her political roots. After that, fate would take over. If one of the state’s two Senate seats comes free and she has mastered the trade, a mixed-race woman should be a strong runner."
Bower also shared other ideas that could be running through Meghan's mind. "She could also run for the state’s governorship, one of America’s most prestigious offices," he continued. "At the end of 10 years, the prime of a politician’s life, her record could well justify a bid for the Democrat nomination for the presidency. To get that prize will require a lot of learning, endless travel and an iron constitution to survive exhausting political meetings and defeat the critics. Meghan certainly has the guts and self-belief to fight to the top of the greasy pole. The question is whether she has the stamina."
Ann Widdecombe also warned that it wouldn't be an easy path for Meghan to take.
“I don’t think she should be a politician. I think she’s much too self-focused. Some celebrities make the transition. Ronald Reagan is one. He was a good president and he was a very good actor. It is possible," she shared. “Being a well-known actor or a well-known anything else shouldn’t preclude you from making a transition, but it doesn’t make it any easier.”