Queen Elizabeth Speaks Out After Missing General Synod Service & Opening Session: 'None Of Us Can Slow The Passage Of Time'

Instead of attending the General Synod Service and Opening Session, Queen Elizabeth had to opt out once again.
Since the monarch couldn't be there, she released a statement about how she was feeling.
"It is hard to believe that it is over 50 years since Prince Philip and I attended the very first meeting of the General Synod," the Queen said in the statement. "None of us can slow the passage of time."
"Of course, in our richly diverse modern society, the well-being of the nation depends on the contribution of people of all faiths, and of none," she continued. "But for people of faith, the last few years have been particularly hard, with unprecedented restrictions in accessing the comfort and reassurance of public worship. For many, it has been a time of anxiety, of grief, and of weariness. Yet the Gospel has brought hope, as it has done throughout the ages; and the Church has adapted and continued its ministry, often in new ways — such as digital forms of worship."
"The General Synod is the tricameral deliberative and legislative organ of the Church of England," the description reads. Prince Edward will go in the Queen's place.
"Your Graces and members of the Synod, the next five years will not always be straightforward," she noted. "Like every new Synod, you have inherited weighty responsibilities with many issues to address, reports to debate, and difficult decisions to make. You may have to consider proposals on governance, on conduct, on the use of resources, and on other issues; and on a vision for the future of the Church."
She added, "In some areas, there will, of course, be differing views and my hope is that you will be strengthened with the certainty of the love of God, as you work together and draw on the Church's tradition of unity in fellowship for the tasks ahead."
Last week, the palace revealed that the Queen would not be going to the event.
"Mindful of her doctors' recent advice, The Queen has decided not to attend the General Synod Service and Opening Session on Tuesday 16th November," they said in a statement.
Ever since the Queen was hospitalized in October, her doctors have advised her to rest until she is feeling better. On November 14, she was going to be at her first event with her family, but due to a sprained back, she had to stay home.