Queen Elizabeth's Favorite Television Show Revealed — And She Can Even Recite Some Of The One-Liners!

It's hard to imagine Queen Elizabeth watching television in her spare time, but it looks like she has a fondness for one show in particular!
Phil Jones, a former editor of The Jeremy Vine Show on BBC Radio 2, said he kept the "exclusive story secret for 21 years" after he met with the monarch, 95, in 2001.

"The first thing the Queen said was how much she loved Terry Wogan. No surprise there. We all knew the Queen was a Radio 2 listener," Jones said. "We chatted for ages, which I can tell you is rather surreal. My brain kept saying, 'Bloody hell I'm talking to the Queen, and I can't think of a single thing to say!' In the end I alighted on, 'What's your favorite program?' Straight away, she said, The Kumars at No 42 and, even more astonishingly, proceeded to recite some of the one-liners from the grandma character, played by the brilliant Meera Syal."
The British TV series, which aired from 2001-2006, focuses on Sanjeev Kumar, who is an aspiring chat-show host.
"He has celebrity guests round to his house (no. 42) to talk to them, but it all falls apart when his family cut in on the action. The celebrity guests spend far more time speaking to Sanjeev's 'mother,' 'father' and 'grandmother' (played by Sanjeev Bhaskar's Goodness Gracious Me colleague, Meera Syal)," a description reads.
It's likely that since the Queen currently has COVID-19, she is enjoying some episodes. Despite being under the weather, she is determined to carry on.
“She’s already getting over it — amazing to think that she’s done it so quickly," a source told The Sun. “She only ever displayed mild symptoms. “That’s why she’s such an inspiration. Positive test revealed on Sunday, meeting with the Prime Minister on Wednesday. Not bad for 95.”