Princess Charlene 'Almost Died In South Africa,' Source Claims: 'She Is Exhausted By Six Months Of Surgeries'

After Prince Albert of Monaco revealed that his wife, Princess Charlene, is in treatment for exhaustion, it's looking like the palace hid what is actually happening.
“It is unfair that she is being portrayed as having some kind of mental or emotional issue,” one source told Page Six. “We don’t know why the palace is downplaying that she almost died in South Africa.”
While in South Africa, the blonde beauty had an ear, nose and throat infection, which resulted in "severe sinus and swallowing issues stemming back from an earlier surgery." As a result, she was forced to stay there for several months.
“She has not been able to eat solid food in over six months because of all the surgeries she has since gone through,” the source said. “She has only been able to take in liquids through a straw, so she lost nearly half her body weight.”
Last week, Prince Albert shared more details about his wife's whereabouts.
"She was clearly exhausted, physically and emotionally. She was overwhelmed and couldn't face official duties, life in general or even family life," he explained. "Obviously there were consequences of her different surgeries and the procedures she underwent in the last few months. That certainly was a factor, but at this point I prefer not to comment further. I can say she was suffering incredible fatigue. She hadn't slept well in a number of days and she wasn't eating at all well. She has lost a lot of weight, which made her vulnerable to other potential ailments. A cold or the flu or God help us, COVID."
"Charlene never asked to have these problems — but they are there, unfortunately, and we need space and privacy to address them. So I beg everyone to understand that and please leave my family alone for the coming weeks," he added.
However, the insider claimed that Charlene is "definitely not losing her mind, or suffering from severe mental health issues.”
“She is exhausted by six months of surgeries and an inability to eat properly as a result of it,” they stated. “And she desperately missed her children and her husband while she was stuck in South Africa, because she couldn’t travel home.”