'Out Of Date And Out Of Touch': Prince William Slammed For Promoting Climate Change As He Drives Gas-Guzzling Cars & Takes Private Jets

Prince William spoke out about climate change on April 3, but some people were less than thrilled with his message.
"Prince William wants to reset the trajectory banning petrol cars and stopping foreign travel. So it’s OK for them to drive around in Range Rovers, Rolls Royces, and take private flights. Let’s all tip our hats when we ride by the rich in their cars, on our bikes," one person wrote, while a second person fumed, “Out of date and out of touch. His dad just flew to Greece in a pandemic to lay a wreath. Time for reform.”
A third user added, "I've just seen Prince William on TV preaching about climate change. I'd like to know how big the royals (and their entourage) carbon footprint is over the last 50 years?"
In the 38-year-old's speech, he spoke about protecting the environment.
"All of us, across all sectors of society, and in every corner of the globe, must come together to fundamentally reset our relationship with nature and our trajectory as a species," he said during his virtual speech for the Conversation International Global Gala. "I truly believe that humans have an extraordinary capacity to set goals and strive to achieve them."
"The remarkable development of the COVID-19 vaccine in record time is a case in point," he added. "If we do not act decisively in the next 10 years, we will cause irreversible damage to our planet. This damage will not be felt equally by everyone. It is the most vulnerable, those with the fewest resources, and those who have done the least to cause climate change, who will continue to be impacted the most."
He continued, "This is a global team effort and it needs all of us if it is to succeed. Together we must unite every business, every community, every government and every person around our common goal to repair the Earth."