Prince William Had A 'Temper' With Prince Charles When He Was Younger & Would 'Shout' At His Father, Historian Claims

It looks like Prince Harry isn't the only one who can get moody. According to historian Robert Lacey, Prince William and Prince Charles would get into huge fights back in the day.
“Harry has freely confessed to his own blazing temper from time to time — and as for his elder brother he has proved no sweet William when roused," Lacey said. “In the years after her 2005 marriage to Prince Charles, Camilla has recounted to her own family and close friends her surprise at discovering this unexpected side to Prince Charming — ‘The boy’s got a temper!’"
“Charles’ wife had been horrified at the ranting and raving that on occasion William had unleashed against her husband in her presence," he continued. “The rows have been earth-shattering by Camilla’s account, with William doing the shouting and Charles submitting meekly on the receiving end.”

Royal expert Camilla Tominey also added that Kate Middleton has been known to cut the tension when her husband gets upset.
“I think one of the secrets to the success of their marriage is that they do seem much more equal than say, for instance, Charles and Diana," she noted. “I think as well Kate has been very careful not to upstage her husband. I think she is the yin to his yang, in that he — although a level-headed, down-the-line kind of guy — can be prone to a few temper tantrums, perhaps. He likes to dig his heels in and know his own mind. I think he can sometimes get quite angry, and one gets the impression that Kate is the one pulling him back, and reining him in, and saying: ‘Alright, let’s just keep calm.'"
The 39-year-old is especially protective of his wife.
"He flies off the handle at any sign of Kate being patronized and stamps that out very quickly. It's one of his triggers," a source told the Daily Mail. "Over the years, many people have come up with great ideas for her, but if they are put across in a dismissive way, they've got pretty short shrift from him."