Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Miss Deadline To RSVP For Coronation Despite Rumors Of Their Lengthy Demands

Did Meghan Markle and Prince Harry break royal protocol? Although there have been various claims of the Sussexes demanding a variety of things for King Charles' coronation, it's been reported that they have yet to RSVP for the event — and they missed the deadline to confirm their attendance.
The duo hasn't shared if they will return to the U.K. to support His Majesty, but critics have speculated that making an appearance would be in their best interest. The Royal Observer previously reported Richard Fitzwilliams thought if the pair went to the event it would benefit their Archwell brand.
"The only reason they get work — work for Netflix, for Spotify, work for Random House — is because they’re royals," Fitzwilliams noted. "Now if they were to emphasize their isolation by not attending a royal event, that's as important as a Coronation as well, it would be something that would adversely affect their contracts, I would have thought, or certainly the renewal of any contracts."
"So they’ve got to attend. They have no option but to come," the public relations consultant explained.

Even though going to the crowning could be good for business, it might be awkward considering the tension between the Sussexes and the royal family. Commentator Louise Roberts thought the Sussexes' behavior since moving to America caused them to lose both Prince William and Kate Middleton's trust.
"The problem is that anyone who could be close to them, for example, William and Kate, won’t tell them anything. Everyone’s terrified," the reporter shared on-air. "Everything’s for sale — every indiscretion or every aside comment could be magnified for an American audience in order to get them a profit."

Along with their familial disputes, the couple wants to be treated similarly to working royals, despite their decision to ditch their responsibilities.
"The latest thing they've said is they want to be on the balcony for the Coronation while not giving a confirmation themselves that they're going to be there," Angela Mollard shared in an interview. "This is five weeks out, they need some planning around this, they need to know whether to set aside the chairs."
"There is no chance they're going to be on the balcony — the Queen wanted a slimmed-down monarchy. Charles is further enforcing that," the commentator added.
The Mirror reported on the Sussexes' RSVP.