Prince Harry Ditches 'Posh' Accent After Abandoning His Family in the U.K.

Is Prince Harry rebranding? The Duke of Sussex's distinctive speech pattern evolved after his infamous "Megxit" scandal. The royal rebel stepped down from his senior-level position within the royal family in 2020, and one expert thinks he is molding himself into the People's Prince, a play on the title once given to his late mother, Princess Diana.

Although Harry spent a lifetime in the public eye, Emma Serlin noticed a change in Harry's speech that could help him to appeal to his new base.
"Harry’s accent now sounds much more rounded and middle rather than upper class," the expert divulged. "He’s the friendly prince, he’s charming, he connects with people. He is his mother’s son."
"He is now of the people in a much more overt way. He has always toned the classic royal accent down and softened it, but previously he was much more aligned with the royal family," Serlin added.

Serlin pointed out that since immigrating to America, the veteran is "no longer aligned" with his relatives and he "doesn’t spend time with them."
"I’m sure he would heighten his accent if he was around the royal family again, but it’s really about adapting to build connections," she said.
"He doesn’t sound any more American. He does, however, sound as though he has taken the edge off the received pronunciation that was very much part of his previously somewhat 'posh' accent," she claimed.

Serlin noticed a difference in Harry's mannerisms, but one expert believes the shift could damage his developing brand. The Royal Observer previously reported expert Tessa Dunlop claimed Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, are "discovering to their cost, royalty does not travel well."
Dunlop speculated that without their HRH status, their relevance will eventually decline.
"Surrounded by pomp and ceremony, the visit was a reminder that the trappings of royalty are what sets it apart. And the absence of those trappings is what the Duke and Duchess of Sussex so sorely lack," Dunlop added.
"After all, no matter how great your celebrity (and yes, despite what disgruntled Spotify bosses say, the couple are still big news), in America there will always be someone richer and more famous," the commentator explained. "Over there, fame is commonplace, not so the magic and mystery that comes with monarchy. As the Sussexes are discovering to their cost, royalty does not travel well (abdicated Edward VIII found this out in the late 1930s)."
Serlin spoke to the The Mirror.