Prince George Could Struggle To Adjust If He's Sent To Boarding School Since His Family Is His 'Safety Net,' Notes Blogger

With Prince George's 8th birthday just a few days away, Kate Middleton and Prince William have reportedly started thinking about sending him to Ludgrove School in Berkshire, the same boarding school William once attended.
However, royal blogger Gertrude Daly believes the future King could have trouble adjusting to his new surroundings since he'll be "away from his safety net" and his new classmates aren't used to being around royalty.
For the last few years, George has been attending Thomas's Battersea in London alongside sister Princess Charlotte, 6, while Prince Louis, 3, is at London's Willcocks Nursery School.
Though George's departure would have a big impact on the family, Daly thinks his sister would manage.
"Princess Charlotte will of course miss her big brother, as any child would. But she will be fine when Prince George heads off to boarding school," he stated. "She seems like a very independent child. Something she would have been taught at a young age with her Montessori education."
"She has never seemed to be clinging to her older brother on the rare glimpses we have seen the Cambridge Children," he continued. "In fact, she is often the more outgoing Cambridge kid, leading the way."
Daly believes the children's independent steak is a result of their upbringing.
"William and Kate have tried to give all of their kids individual attention. So, they have experience doing things without their other siblings," he shared. "Whether it is an outing with Mummy or daddy. Or a solo trip to Granny Middleton’s for the weekend."
At the moment, there's no official word on the future of George's education, but royal author Duncan Larcombe claimed that the tot is likely to stay put.
"It's my understanding for some time, possibly even before George was even born, that William was quite keen that any child he had wouldn't be packed off to boarding school," he told OK! magazine. "But he's never intended to have his kids as full-time boarders and if George does go to a school that offers it, he'll likely be a day boarder."