Prince Archie's Birthday Surprise Revealed

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were committed to giving Prince Archie the perfect birthday celebration. Although the youngster celebrated his big day back in May, an insider revealed one of his special gifts.
Archie's event was the same day as King Charles' coronation, but Mad Dogs & Englishmen Bike Shop in Montecito, Calif., was focused on giving the toddler a tricycle instead of the historical ceremony.

Owner Jennifer Blevins revealed that her partner, Martin, wanted to do something special for Archie. "He went and he got one of our little specialized kids' bikes — they're really nice little bikes — and he's like, 'This one's perfect, it's got training wheels,'" Blevins told an outlet. "And so he went and got some birthday balloons, and he got some flowers for Meghan and a birthday card, and he said, 'OK, I'm gonna bike over and take it to their house.'"
"He said, 'I'm just a British business in town that wanted to give Archie a gift,'" Blevins joked.

The businesswoman admitted she was surprised to see how kind the Sussexes were. "A courier came by our little shop on Coast Village Road, and he dropped off that letter," she recounted. "I was making a joke, I said, 'It better be a thank you letter,' and it really was!" Blevins said. "I wasn't expecting that. I had no idea."
"It was so thoughtful because, you know, they took the time to write something personal and not just a generic thank you," she added.

The note used the couple's formal titles despite their decision to step down from their position as senior members of the royal family. "On behalf of Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, please accept their sincere thanks for the thoughtful gift you sent to Prince Archie for his fourth birthday," the message read. "The bike has brought much joy, and is most appreciated by the family. They asked that I convey their gratitude at the lovely surprise."
Blevins admitted that even though her store is popular, the Sussexes were the first A-listers to send a proper note.
"Every celebrity in that town has bought bikes from us, and they all come through there," she recalled. "None of them sent a thank you letter."
"His little sister Lili can enjoy it too as she grows — it'll be one that both of them like," she noted.
Blevins spoke to People.