Prince Albert Of Monaco's Eldest Daughter Posts Snap Of His 4 Children Together For The First Time — See Photo

All in the family! Prince Albert of Monaco's four children all posed together in their first public photo, which was shared by his 29-year-old daughter, Jazmin Grimaldi.
In the photo, Grimaldi — whose mother is Tamara Rotolo — looked chummy alongside half-siblings Alexandre Grimaldi-Coste, Albert's 18-year-old son with Nicole Coste, and his 7-year-old twins, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella, whom he shares with wife Princess Charlene.

"Oh, the places you’ll go. Shining on through to 2022. A year in review. Happy anew to You 🌟🎊!" Grimaldi captioned the video.
In 2006, the royal confirmed that he was Grimaldi's biological father, and they met for the first time when she was 11 years old. "I wanted that moment to connect with my father, to get to know him, and to have him get to know me," she revealed. "Not having had that figure around, I missed that. It's wonderful that it happened when it did, and we've been enjoying a great relationship ever since."
Meanwhile, Prince Albert is very hands-on with his little tots, as their mother is currently in a treatment facility for exhaustion.
"She was clearly exhausted, physically and emotionally. She was overwhelmed and couldn't face official duties, life in general or even family life," he explained in November.
"Obviously there were consequences of her different surgeries and the procedures she underwent in the last few months," the royal continued. "That certainly was a factor, but at this point I prefer not to comment further. I can say she was suffering incredible fatigue. She hadn't slept well in a number of days and she wasn't eating at all well. She has lost a lot of weight, which made her vulnerable to other potential ailments. A cold or the flu or God help us, COVID."
In the meantime, Albert is focusing on spending time with his little ones. In early December, he threw the twins a birthday party at the palace.
"They'll have seen the Spongebob decorations in one courtyard entrance, so they may have suspicions. But they haven't seen the party room yet," he shared. "I have a few things in mind. To be truthful, I'm working more on their Christmas gifts."