Was Meghan Markle Really Trapped Within The Royal Family? Claim Disputed By Royal Biographer Who Says She 'Led A Normal Life'

While chatting with Oprah Winfrey, Meghan Markle claimed she couldn't escape from the palace. Now, her claim is being disputed by royal biographer Andrew Morton, who recently released Elizabeth & Margaret: the Intimate World of the Windsor Sisters.
"I was thinking, 'Well friends of mine have seen Meghan walking from Wholefoods supermarket on Kensington High Street with bags of food back to Kensington Palace,'" Morton said on the "Royally Obsessed" podcast. "Didn't seem too much like a prison. Other friends have seen her out and about with friends at restaurants and phones and said, 'You'll never guess who I'm sat next to.'"
Morton added, "So, there is that sense that she seems to me to have led a normal life. But the way she put it it was almost though her passport was taken from her, her keys were taken from her and yet she was able to go to New York on a private jet to celebrate a baby shower. And make eight overseas trips without working handcuffs, so there just seemed an inconsistency but also a similarity with Diana. So, it was a complex interview and it left unresolved many questions."
During the tell-all, Meghan, 39, claimed she "left the house twice in fourth months" while living in the U.K., adding, "I'm everywhere but I am nowhere."
But an investigation by the Daily Mail showed that Meghan attended events on 73 days in the 17 months between May 2018 and November 2019.
“On those days, at least 65 involved leaving her home," the report reads. "There are just two apparent gaps in this hectic schedule, both in 2019: from March 22 to July 5; and from July 14 to September 23."
Additionally, the former actress reportedly took 13 international trips in the past few years, despite claiming the royal family took away her passport when she joined the fold in 2016.
When asked if Harry would have stayed put if he hadn't married Meghan, he said: "I wouldn’t have been able to because I myself was trapped as well. I didn’t see a way out. I was trapped, but I didn’t know I was trapped. The moment I met Meg and our worlds collided in the most amazing of ways ... Trapped within the system, like the rest of my family are. My father and my brother are trapped. They don’t get to leave. I have huge compassion for that."