Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Struggling to Maintain Their Celebrity Without 'the Magic and Mystery that Comes With the Monarchy'

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have spent the past three years attempting to assert themselves in the entertainment industry, but their efforts have yet to be successful. The most notable Archewell projects involved the Duke and Duchess of Sussex discussing their proximity to the crown, but their more creative pursuits continue to underperform.

The cracks in Archewell's foundation became clear after Spotify decided to part ways with the Sussexes. Since the news broke, a swarm of controversy began to surround the American-based royals.
Expert Tessa Dunlop claimed the pair is "discovering to their cost, royalty does not travel well."
"Surrounded by pomp and ceremony, the visit was a reminder that the trappings of royalty are what sets it apart. And the absence of those trappings is what the Duke and Duchess of Sussex so sorely lack," Dunlop added.
"After all, no matter how great your celebrity (and yes, despite what disgruntled Spotify bosses say, the couple are still big news), in America there will always be someone richer and more famous," the commentator explained. "Over there, fame is commonplace, not so the magic and mystery that comes with monarchy. As the Sussexes are discovering to their cost, royalty does not travel well (abdicated Edward VIII found this out in the late 1930s)."

As the couple continues to build their lives in Montecito, they will have to accept the lack of privileges that comes with being a civilian.
"To really flourish more than titles and money are required. Harry, barefoot in a beanie, can't compete with William in full-blown honorary military uniform," Dunlop shared. "Meghan in Valentino or Givenchy is less noteworthy than the Princess of Wales in her Lover's Knot tiara (once Diana's) and badge of the Royal Victorian Order."
"Tinsel, tiaras, and turrets are a big deal when it comes America's love affair with monarchy," she added before saying: "Charles is not just Harry's rich twice-married papa, he is the King. And yesterday, Windsor in all its blazing glory, was a reminder of that," she concluded.
Dunlop spoke to The Mirror.