Meghan Markle & Prince Harry 'Appear More Like Prisoners, Held Captive By Fame' When They Are Photographed Or Interviewed, Darren McGarvey Claims

After Meghan Markle apologized to the U.K. court for not remembering that her former aide, Jason Knauf, spoke to her about Finding Freedom, people are curious about her motives — and whether she married Prince Harry for fame or for love.
"As the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, has her dirty laundry aired out in public for the umpteenth time, in a legal fight with a Sunday newspaper, you have to wonder, in what rare moments of genuine privacy still available to her, whether she questions her decision to marry into royalty," musician Darren McGarvey wrote for the Daily Record.
"Yes, she and her prince have done very well for themselves financially, but often when I see them photographed or interviewed, they appear more like prisoners, held captive by fame," he continued. "And while I won’t win any popularity contests for expressing empathy for such privileged people, there is nonetheless something undeniably sad about them. The dream of fame and the reality are two different things."
"But anyone who sets out to become famous for fame’s sake, hoping it will change how they feel about themselves, is in for a rude awakening," he expressed.
In a witness statement, Knauf said the book was “discussed directly with the Duchess multiple times in person and over email.” He also showed emails, which showed his conversation with Harry about the tell-all.
Knauf said Harry replied: “I totally agree that we have to be able to say we didn’t have anything to do with it. Equally, you giving the right context and background to them would help get some truths out there.”
During the High Court battle, Meghan stated: “And I apologize to the court for the fact that I had not remembered these exchanges at the time. I had absolutely no wish or intention to mislead the defendant or the court."