King Willem-Alexander Is All Business During Meetings In Rotterdam After COVID Demonstrations Broke Out — Photos

Getting serious! King Willem-Alexander attended some meetings this week in Rotterdam, The Netherlands — and it looked like he was all business.
The royal sported a blue suit as he listened to others talk.
Scroll through the gallery below to see more photos.

The King wasn't playing around during the in-person chats.

"Last weekend, disturbances broke out in a number of municipalities during and after corona demonstrations. In Rotterdam, on 19 November, police officers were attacked and vandalized shops and catering establishments on and around the Coolsingel," a message read on Instagram.

The message continued, "King Willem-Alexander will visit Rotterdam City Hall this afternoon to inform himself about the situation that has arisen. Representatives of the police, emergency services and city management tell the King about their experiences with the disturbances and about their approach and the mutual cooperation that took place. Representatives of entrepreneurs will also speak about the impact of the riots and the damage caused to retailers and catering."

"During the visit, King Willem-Alexander expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the (emergency) services involved and showed his compassion for the affected entrepreneurs," the message concluded.

Of course, people were thrilled than the King was sticking up for the police force.
One person wrote, "Good to see that our king cares about the men and women who stand in the breach for the entire Dutch people! All the support they get is well deserved." while another added, "It was good to see that the king talked to our aid workers. As a Rotterdammer, I am so angry at those who made such a mess of it."
Meanwhile, his wife, Queen Máxima, was attending to royal duties as well.
"Queen Máxima speaks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Africa about financial digital inclusion. Queen Máxima speaks as the United Nations Secretary-General's Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA) and Honorary President of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI)," a message read.