King Charles Refuses to Read Prince Harry's Memoir Due to 'Hurtful' Comments

King Charles isn't interested in reading Prince Harry's memoir, Spare. The Duke of Sussex revealed very intimate details about his famous family, but the revelations might be too much for the king to handle. A source told an outlet that His Majesty saw the project as "hurtful."

Although Charles has yet to read through Spare, Harry was criticized for some of the comments he made about Prince William's appearance.
"I looked at Willy, really looked at him, perhaps for the first time since we were little, taking in every detail: his familiar scowl, which had always been the norm in his dealings with me," the former military captain wrote.
"His familiar scowl, which had always been his default in dealings with me; his alarming baldness, more advanced than my own; his famous resemblance to Mummy, which was fading with time," he added.

Despite his words being perceived as mean or somewhat shady, the Duke of Sussex claimed he had no intentions of offending his relatives.
"I don’t see it as cutting at all," Harry told Anderson Cooper while promoting Spare.
"My brother and I love each other. I love him deeply. There has been a lot of pain between the two of us, especially the last six years," he added. "None of anything that I’ve written, anything I’ve included is ever intended to hurt my family."
"But it does give a full picture of the situation as we were growing up, and also squashes this idea that somehow my wife was the one that destroyed the relationship between these two brothers," he concluded.

The novel quickly flew off of shelves, but profiting off of his loved ones might've led to some regrets.
"I would like to get my father back. I would like to have my brother back. At the moment, I don’t recognize them, as much as they probably don’t recognize me," Harry told ITV's Tom Bradby.
Harry wants to rebuild his bond with the Prince of Wales, but Tom Quinn thinks it's nearly impossible.
"People I've spoken to who work for both William and Kate say this is never really going to be healed. Privately there's a lot more anger than there is publicly, especially about the accusation William physically assaulted Harry. Apparently, William is furious," the royal biographer told a source.
The source spoke to The Express.