Racist Royal Coach

The British monarchy's pageantry could be in jeopardy according to a royal expert once Prince William becomes king.
Sept. 22 2021, Published 1:05 p.m. ET
Now even royal chariots are being branded racist and heading for cancelation!
The golden coach used to convey the kings and queens of the Netherlands on ceremonial outings has been hauled into a bitter row about slavery and the country’s colonial past.
Built for Queen Wilhelmina in 1896, the majestic de gouden koets features a painting on one side depicting Africans in loincloths paying homage to white masters.
“They should chop it up and burn it,” said Fenna Hoebeek, an Amsterdam student who signed a petition, along with thousands of others, to retire the coach.
“It’s wrong in this day and age for royals to drive around in something celebrating the enslavement of Africans.”
Covered in gilt and traditionally drawn by eight black horses, the carriage was last used in 2015 when King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima were taken through streets lined with well-wishers to the opening of Parliament.
It was then sent for a $1.5 million renovation before being put in a museum, where many would like it to remain.
It’s been a hard few years for the Dutch royals, who have to be sensitive to the public mood.
Princess Amalia has said she won't accept a $1.8 million annual allowance as heir to the throne when she turns 18 in December because she hasn't yet done anything for her country.
The family abandoned a Greek holiday during the pandemic after criticism.
And last year the King expressed regret for the colonial era and a brutal crackdown on independence activists in 1940s Indonesia.
As for the coach, the King says he is listening to the debate and promises that when it is returned to the royal palace “you will hear from us.”
Times are changing indeed.